In every country, owning a piece of land gives one a sense of belonging and comfort. The property you own gives you comfort of mind and relaxation as you need not to hand over a certain sum of money to the owner of the residence which is in your use. This sum of money can be huge many a times which means that almost twenty to thirty percent of the emoluments that a person gets by working all day long for a month goes to the owner of the property.
In case of owning a property the payments that are required to be made are only limited to property taxes which are paid once in a year and in comparison with the rental amount that a tenant pays to the owner, constitutes only a paltry figure.
In case of owning a property the payments that are required to be made are only limited to property taxes which are paid once in a year and in comparison with the rental amount that a tenant pays to the owner, constitutes only a paltry figure.